


  • ♈ Aries Sun. ♉ Taurus Moon. ♏ Scorpio Rising. 
  • Been doing weird witchy shit since I was around 15/16 years old.
  • Card-carrying member of The Satanic Temple.
  • I fucking love The Matrix.
  • I’m also an ordained Reverend with the Church of Spiritual Humanism. Yep, that means I can officiate weddings. Shoot me an email if you’re interested!



  • ♉ Taurus Sun. ♒ Aquarius Moon. ♑ Capricorn Rising.
  • I am a Queer Pagan with strong connections to my Celtic and Ashkenazi ancestors. 
  • Hardcore empath with an affinity for animals, cannabis and music.
  • Eternal nerd lost in the void who just wants balance.
  • I’m not really on social media, but I’m always in the Witches Betwixt Discord if you wanna chat!



Hello everyone, my name is Scott. 

I’m a practicing Witch and self described Seer. I practice Traditional Witchcraft and Folk Magic. From a young age I have had many experiences with the Otherworld; spirits, visions, psychic impressions and chronic synchronicities. These experiences led me to look into Parapsychology and the Occult. I often feel I was called to the realms of the Otherworld. This “calling” has led me to a life long journey of spiritual self discovery. 

Mundanely,  I enjoy TTRPGs, cartoons, and paranormal TV shows.



Sophia is a non-status Métis trans woman, her family is from Saskatchewan near the North Battleford area, Cree-French. She works some really weird magic that she should probably keep to herself, but she is medically unable to shut up. 

She works the Meta Model, with a combination of Spirit Model, laid on an old foundation of Energy Model, with a sprinkling of Information and Psyche Model woven in. 

She fucks with a couple of herbs here and there, and really likes storms. She'd best not get caught out in one though, as she constantly has static energy shocking the shit out of her. She reckons this is because she's tied to the storm spirits, but she might be entirely full of shit. 

She hasn't accomplished much professionally speaking, but she's real proud of being in DKMU since 2010. She ain't giving out her astrology info, alongside a photo of her. “Too much of a Taglock” she says.