Witches Betwixt
Witches Betwixt is a collective of queer witches & allies representing a wide variety of magical practices and spiritual paths. On Sundays (2pm ET) we livestream a 60+ minute weekly episode on our YouTube channel in which we discuss various topics relevant to the experience of a queer witch.
139 episodes
#140 - So we're all astrology experts now
Unfortunately, EP 139's audio quality wasn't usable for audio-only listeners. The full video livestream is on our YouTube channel.)O(Witches Betwixt is a collective of queer witches & allies representing a wide variety of...
Episode 140
#138 - Adopting more sustainable habits & cleaning up after ourselves
)O(Witches Betwixt is a collective of queer witches & allies representing a wide variety of magickal practices and spiritual paths. On Sundays (2pm ET) we livestream a 60+ minute weekly episode on our YouTube channel in which we dis...
Episode 138
#137 - Pain is neither a badge nor armor
)O(Witches Betwixt is a collective of queer witches & allies representing a wide variety of magickal practices and spiritual paths. On Sundays (2pm ET) we livestream a 60+ minute weekly episode on our YouTube channel in which we dis...
Episode 137
#136 - Mother's Day - Show some love to Mother Gaia!
)O(Witches Betwixt is a collective of queer witches & allies representing a wide variety of magickal practices and spiritual paths. On Sundays (2pm ET) we livestream a 60+ minute weekly episode on our YouTube channel in which we dis...
Episode 136
#135 - Settling into new houses & forming relationships with land spirits
)O(Witches Betwixt is a collective of queer witches & allies representing a wide variety of magickal practices and spiritual paths. On Sundays (2pm ET) we livestream a 60+ minute weekly episode on our YouTube channel in which we dis...
Episode 135
#134 - Time (like Gender) is a construct
)O(Witches Betwixt is a collective of queer witches & allies representing a wide variety of magickal practices and spiritual paths. On Sundays (2pm ET) we livestream a 60+ minute weekly episode on our YouTube channel in which we dis...
Episode 134
#133 - Late to the #OcculTea conversation but we're here!
)O(Witches Betwixt is a collective of queer witches & allies representing a wide variety of magickal practices and spiritual paths. On Sundays (2pm ET) we livestream a 60+ minute weekly episode on our YouTube channel in which we dis...
Episode 133
#132 - Yearning for the "beginner years" of our magickal practice
)O(Witches Betwixt is a collective of queer witches & allies representing a wide variety of magickal practices and spiritual paths. On Sundays (2pm ET) we livestream a 60+ minute weekly episode on our YouTube channel in which we dis...
Episode 132
#131 - A strange figure at a 3-way crossroads
)O(Witches Betwixt is a collective of queer witches & allies representing a wide variety of magickal practices and spiritual paths. On Sundays (2pm ET) we livestream a 60+ minute weekly episode on our YouTube channel in which we dis...
Episode 131
#130 - Divination "toys", spirit communication & empathy for the gods
)O(Witches Betwixt is a collective of queer witches & allies representing a wide variety of magickal practices and spiritual paths. On Sundays (2pm ET) we livestream a 60+ minute weekly episode on our YouTube channel in which we dis...
Episode 130
#129 - The value of secrecy in magick
)O(Witches Betwixt is a collective of queer witches & allies representing a wide variety of magickal practices and spiritual paths. On Sundays (2pm ET) we livestream a 60+ minute weekly episode on our YouTube channel in which we dis...
Episode 129
#128 - The erasure of third spaces
)O(Witches Betwixt is a collective of queer witches & allies representing a wide variety of magickal practices and spiritual paths. On Sundays (2pm ET) we livestream a 60+ minute weekly episode on our YouTube channel in which we dis...
Episode 128
#127 - Space magick or dino magick?
)O(Witches Betwixt is a collective of queer witches & allies representing a wide variety of magickal practices and spiritual paths. On Sundays (2pm ET) we livestream a 60+ minute weekly episode on our YouTube channel in which we dis...
Episode 127
# 126 - Synchronicities in video games & 2024 plans
)O(Witches Betwixt is a collective of queer witches & allies representing a wide variety of magical practices and spiritual paths. On Sundays (2pm ET) we livestream a 60+ minute weekly episode on our KICK channel in which we discuss...
Episode 126
#125 - All we want for xmas is... decolonization & the end of capitalism
)O(Witches Betwixt is a collective of queer witches & allies representing a wide variety of magical practices and spiritual paths. On Sundays (2pm ET) we livestream a 60+ minute weekly episode on our KICK channel in which we discuss...
Episode 125
#124 - Be wary of "spiritual shortcuts"
)O(Witches Betwixt is a collective of queer witches & allies representing a wide variety of magical practices and spiritual paths. On Sundays (2pm ET) we livestream a 60+ minute weekly episode on our KICK channel in which we discuss...
Episode 124
#123 - Embracing that wintertime CHILL
)O(Witches Betwixt is a collective of queer witches & allies representing a wide variety of magical practices and spiritual paths. On Sundays (2pm ET) we livestream a 60+ minute weekly episode on our KICK channel in which we discuss...
Episode 123
# 122 - You can't trust anyone that doesn't like potatoes
)O(Witches Betwixt is a collective of queer witches & allies representing a wide variety of magical practices and spiritual paths. On Sundays (2pm ET) we livestream a 60+ minute weekly episode on our KICK channel in which we discuss...
Episode 122
#121 - Creating & maintaining magickal spaces and spirit relationships
)O(Witches Betwixt is a collective of queer witches & allies representing a wide variety of magical practices and spiritual paths. On Sundays (2pm ET) we livestream a 60+ minute weekly episode on our KICK channel in which we discuss...
Episode 121
#120 - Take a shot of moon vodka to loosen up before ritual
)O(Witches Betwixt is a collective of queer witches & allies representing a wide variety of magical practices and spiritual paths. On Sundays (2pm ET) we livestream a 60+ minute weekly episode on our KICK channel in which we discuss...
Episode 120
#119 - Bridging the gap between occult practice and occult aesthetic
)O(Witches Betwixt is a collective of queer witches & allies representing a wide variety of magical practices and spiritual paths. On Sundays (2pm ET) we livestream a 60+ minute weekly episode on our KICK channel in which we discuss...
Episode 119
#118 - The successful debut of Betwixt Occult Supplies
)O(Witches Betwixt is a collective of queer witches & allies representing a wide variety of magical practices and spiritual paths. On Sundays (2pm ET) we livestream a 60+ minute weekly episode on our KICK channel in which we discuss...
Episode 118
#117 - What are your "bread and butter" spells?
)O(Witches Betwixt is a collective of queer witches & allies representing a wide variety of magical practices and spiritual paths. On Sundays (2pm ET) we livestream a 60+ minute weekly episode on our Kick channel in which we discuss...
Episode 117
# 116 - Highly marketable white woman bullshit
)O(Witches Betwixt is a collective of queer witches & allies representing a wide variety of magical practices and spiritual paths. On Sundays (2pm ET) we livestream a 60+ minute weekly episode on our Kick channel in which we discuss...
Episode 116
# 115 - Queers: Stay sharp, stay fit! It's getting rough out there
)O(Witches Betwixt is a collective of queer witches & allies representing a wide variety of magical practices and spiritual paths. On Sundays (2pm ET) we livestream a 60+ minute weekly episode on our Kick channel in which we discuss...
Episode 115